Author Archives: admin

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Pacific Crest Image Video

Posted on by admin

Pacific Crest Custom Cabinets Producer, Director, Editor, Narrator and Music Composer

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IRF Scale

Posted on by admin

The International Riesling Foundation Producer, Director, Editor, Narrator and Music Composer

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Occupied Japan: An Experiment in Democracy

Posted on by admin

This one hour documentary produced for PBS follows the transition of Japan at the end of World War Two from a totalitarian empire to a democratic society. Many firsthand accounts follow the evolution; this is an excerpt of one of … Continue reading

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Works in Progress – Lorna Simpson (Excerpt)

Posted on by admin

Annenberg Media Editor Works in Progress is a ten part series of half hour documentaries; each following an artist through the creation of a work of art. This film follows Lorna Simpson, a New York based photographer.

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Limits – Survival (Excerpt)

Posted on by admin

National Science Foundation Editor A four part series produced for the National Science Foundation as a tool to get people interested in science and how even seemingly unscientific things are often driven by scientific concepts. Farming is a constant fight … Continue reading

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Limits – Nature (excerpt)

Posted on by admin

National Science Foundation Editor A four part series produced for the National Science Foundation as a tool to get people interested in science and how even seemingly unscientific things are often driven by scientific concepts. This is the story of … Continue reading

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The Green Blues – Trailer

Posted on by admin

One Nation Films / Milt Ritter Production Producer, Director, Editor and Music Composer This hour long show follows a couple as they try to build a sustainably constructed home on a tight budget, which goes awry right off the bat. … Continue reading

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Workforce 2000: Mammalogist

Posted on by admin

Workforce 2000 consists of 21 episodes, both documentary and dramatic, which explores a variety of career paths, both common and not so common. This episode follows a mammalogist through a typical day as she cares for her clients-seals, sea lions … Continue reading

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Bill Viola-Works in Progress

Posted on by admin

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

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Healing Trailer

Posted on by admin

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.

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